Say No To God

A blog for Atheists and Antitheists.

Republican BS

I didn’t really want to make this blog about politics but I don’t think I’ll have a choice since they continue to be the party of the religious-right. I think you’d have to have your head fairly far up your own ass not to see through the bullshit they’re slinging these days. It’s obvious they don’t give a shit about doing anything but obstructing the Democrats. Obama wasted half his first term trying to work with them and they smacked him in the face when he even tried to embrace their own ideas. It’s painfully obvious.

This political party is shit. I don’t like to reduce myself to gross metaphors or vulgarities, but I’m fed the fuck up with them. Our country is falling apart and all they care about is trying to repeal health care reform for the 33rd time – knowing good and well that it won’t work or happen. Yet, they waste our tax money while they have the best health insurance our tax dollars can buy and they want to fuck us over by taking away protections that will keep the greedy vultures (health insurance companies) from pulling the plug on grandma (payout caps) or denying people insurance for ‘pre-existing conditions’ like they used to be able to do until President Obama signed this reform into law.

Do you really want to go back to the way it was? Do you think people should be denied benefits? If you’re a follower of Christ and you’re a Republican, you’re a contradiction. Jesus, as he was made out to be, would have been a liberal. “Love you enemy” – does that sound like a Republican? The GOP has the support of the hypocrites and their imaginary friend – these people who claim to be Xtians of whatever cult they’re brainwashed into yet fail to embrace the concept of Christ’s teachings (which I don’t believe are real but some of them are good ones).

Just another reason religion needs to go – one less reason to find to divide people.

I had someone ask me why I’m so against religion and the simplest answer I could come up with to keep the conversation as short as possible was “I’m not into hate.” – I’m not and I’m for a fair and just world where everyone is treated equally – you won’t find that with religion; they all find something to hate on. I do give credit to the Episcopalians – they are very liberal – almost to the point they aren’t religious.

I’m just sick of it and I wish people would employ a little critical thought – there’d be no religions or Republicans.

Surely you can cast the stone back at my liberal basis – I vote Democrat but I don’t consider myself to be affiliated with any party other than the human race. There are bad seeds in every batch, but let’s just face the insurmountable evidence that the GOP are puppets and worship the rich. They lie to their constituents and just need to mention Jesus or the bible or the NRA and woot – you got support.

How does all tie in with this blog? Good question 🙂 My thinking was that if people used their brain for more than something to occupy the space between their ears, then we wouldn’t suffer through this shit. We need to start working together as a whole planet and inspire each other to do good and there’s no way you can do that with religion interfering in politics and society. These disgusting institutions teach people to label others and then hate them. You disagree? Look up those half-wits at Westboro Baptist Church – nice example of religious assholes hating on people. Most all religions do the same things; hate on anything they don’t like; hate on women; hate on gays; hate on other races; hate on other religions; hate on each other because of the silly crap their religious books tell them to do.

This has to stop people. There’s no other way about it or we won’t go much further as a species. We’ll either end up killing everything on the planet or we’ll learn to embrace each other no matter what the differences are and then we’ll have grown as a species. How can you not want that? Don’t you want to see everyone happy and healthy? If not, then you’re most likely a sick bastard.

I’m not going to be nice here – I made this blog to call out the crazy and hateful parts of society – religion. I also call on you to have doubt and question everything. You don’t need god in this modern age – times are rough but no fairy tale will fix it. Learn to love your enemies and those that are different and maybe one day you’ll inspire someone to do the same.

I go out of my way sometimes to be nice and help people. I don’t believe in karma, obviously, but I do believe that I might just inspire someone to do the same in return to a stranger or someone they know.

If you care about this country and your fellow humans, quit voting for the GOP. Trickle down economics was just them pissing on our heads – the rich are greedy and don’t care about you. No one will take away your guns – it’s in the fucking constitution that you have the right to bear arms – just not a small arsenal capable of over-throwing a small country. No one will take away your religion as bad as I wish we could – it’s in the constitution. Just like the establishment clause and the separation of church and state – something the GOP fails to grasp. What’s so funny to me is that I see all these right-wingers wearing shirts with the constitution on it or touting the document yet they’d fail to recognize those parts. I guess it’s like ignoring all the hateful shit in the bible and just cherry-picking the good parts. I have to wonder in these bible study classes do they just omit the bad parts and pretend they aren’t there? You have to overlook a lot of bullshit to get to the honestly good parts.

I’ll end this late night post with one of my favorite quotes:

“Shake off all the fears of servile prejudices, under which weak minds are servilely crouched. Fix reason firmly in her seat, and call on her tribunal for every fact, every opinion. Question with boldness even the existence of a God; because, if there be one, he must more approve of the homage of reason than that of blindfolded fear.” -Thomas Jefferson

Say No To God

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